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Basic Listening Lesson #16
1. Schritt
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2. Schritt
Quiz - Fragen anschauen
1. Who are these two people talking about?
A mutual friend
Person A
One person's father
One person's brother
2. Why is that person always feeling weak?
He is sick with a virus
He didn't take care of himself when he was young
He got food poisoning
He never exercised
3. How long has it been since one person met his friend's father?
3 months
9 months
2 years
5 years
4. What did the doctor say about the father's condition?
He has cancer
He has a fever but will get better
His depression is making him tired
Couldn't find anything specific
Antworten anschauen
1. One person's father
2. He didn't take care of himself when he was young
3. 5 years
4. Couldn't find anything specific
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3. Schritt
Unterhaltungsdialog zeigen
A: "I haven't seen your father in like 5 years. How is he doing?"
B: "He's not doing too well."
A: "Why? What's wrong?"
B: "About a year ago, he started feeling weak all the time."
A: "Is it due to old age or is he sick."
B: "Maybe a little of both. The doctor's can't point out anything specifically. I think it is because he didn't take care of himself during his youth."
A: "That makes sense. It's important to take care of your health early in life."
B: "That's what my father tells me almost everyday."
A: "Well, I hope he starts feeling better. Say hi to him for me."
B: "Thanks. I'll let him know."
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