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Basic Listening Lesson #26
1. Schritt
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2. Schritt
Quiz - Fragen anschauen
1. What is the exciting event that is causing this excitement?
They are going skiing tomorrow
They are going to Las Vegas tomorrow
They are going to have a big party over the weekend
They just graduated from college
2. Why does he get so excited?
This is his first time going to Las Vegas
The party over the weekend is a special event
He only gets to go skiing twice a year
He doesn't have to go to school anymore
3. What event makes them both get excited?
A ski trip
Las Vegas vacation
Big parties
Any weekends
4. Why does one person not get excited from skiing?
He doesn't enjoy skiing that much
He has never gone skiing so he doesn't know
He is too tired to be excited
He goes skiing often so he is used to it
Antworten anschauen
1. They are going skiing tomorrow
2. He only gets to go skiing twice a year
3. Las Vegas vacation
4. He goes skiing often so he is used to it
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3. Schritt
Unterhaltungsdialog zeigen
A: "I can't wait to go skiing tomorrow."
B: "I know. It's going to be so much fun."
A: "I always get excited the day before."
B: "I used to be like that. But I go skiing so often that I don't get excited anymore."
A: "I only go skiing twice a year, so it's a real treat for me."
B: "That makes sense."
A: "What things make you excited?"
B: "Whenever I go to Vegas, I get really excited."
A: "Oh... that makes me excited too!"
B: "Looks like anything fun makes you excited."
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