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Intermediate Listening Lesson #12
1. Schritt
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2. Schritt
Quiz - Fragen anschauen
1. What gender is the new baby?
A boy
A girl
Twin boys
Twin girls
2. What were the complications mentioned during birth?
Had to do emergency C-Section
Baby was inverted
Baby was stuck
No complications
3. What is the guy complaining about?
That the baby was not a boy
That the baby is too expensive
That the baby is sick all the time
That he doesn't get enough sleep
4. After the conversation, what will the guy do?
Get some sleep
Make sure wife and baby are healthy
Take the baby to the hosptial
Go to work to make more money
Antworten anschauen
1. A girl
2. No complications
3. That he doesn't get enough sleep
4. Make sure wife and baby are healthy
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3. Schritt
Unterhaltungsdialog zeigen
A: "Did your wife give birth yet?"
B: "Yeah. She's a healthy beautiful girl."
A: "Congratulations. How is your wife doing?"
B: "She is tired, but getting a lot of rest now."
A: "That's good to hear."
B: "I'm just glad there were no complications."
A: "If your wife and baby are both happy, what more can you ask for?"
B: "It's been a week, and I haven't slept that well."
A: "That's normal for anyone with a newborn."
B: "Yeah, but it's so hard. I have to work, and then go home and take care of my wife and the baby. I'm going to get sick at this rate."
A: "You'll get used to it. After everything stabilizes, you can regain your health."
B: "That's true. I should make sure my wife and baby stay healthy during this time."
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