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Advanced Listening Lesson #08
1. Schritt
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2. Schritt
Quiz - Fragen anschauen
1. Where is the conversation taking place?
Over the phone
At a party
At a company meeting
In the classroom
2. What type of company is one person working at?
At a computer company
At Microsoft
At a consulting firm
At a marketing company
3. The person who is not working is studying what major?
Computer Science
Information Systems
4. Mike is someone they both know. What is Mike doing now?
He is working at an accounting firm
He is in a PHD program
He is in grad school
He is almost done with his Computer Science degree
Antworten anschauen
1. At a party
2. At a marketing company
3. Computer Science
4. He is in grad school
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3. Schritt
Unterhaltungsdialog zeigen
A: "You're Jason right?"
B: "Yeah. Tom right?"
A: "Yeah. What's going on?"
B: "Not much. Just hanging out. A bunch of guys are playing a game for shots."
A: "You're not playing?"
B: "I had enough to drink already."
A: "I hear ya."
B: "You in school or do you work?"
A: "I work at a marketing company. How about you?"
B: "I'm still in school. I have one more year left."
A: "What are you majoring in?"
B: "I'm majoring in computer science."
A: "Where do you want to work?"
B: "I would love to work at Microsoft. But it's pretty tough to get in."
A: "So I hear. So you come to this club often?"
B: "Every now and then. I usually hang out at Pioneer Square."
A: "Yeah. That's a cool place. There are a ton of bars to hit in that area."
B: "Are you here with Mike?"
A: "No. Some of my work buddies. I haven't seen Mike in a while now. Do you know what he is up to?"
B: "He's going to grad school."
A: "What a surprise. I didn't know he was so studious."
B: "Yeah. Surprised us all. Hey, I'm going to get another drink. You want one?"
A: "It's aright. I still have to work on this one."
B: "I'll catch you later."
A: "Aright man."
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