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Advanced Listening Lesson #17
1. Schritt
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2. Schritt
Quiz - Fragen anschauen
1. What is one possible weakness the Yankees might have from one of the guy in the conversation?
No other good players besides A-Rod
The team is too young
Yankees do not have a good pitching staff
Many players are injured
2. What team was mentioned as an example of what the Yankees might end up like?
Seattle Mariners
Texas Rangers
Boston Red Sox
New York Mets
3. What team tickets were sold out and are the most popular to watch?
Seattle Mariners
Texas Rangers
Boston Red Sox
New York Yankees
4. What sport are the talking about?
Antworten anschauen
1. Yankees do not have a good pitching staff
2. Texas Rangers
3. New York Yankees
4. Baseball
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3. Schritt
Unterhaltungsdialog zeigen
A: "Do you like to watch baseball?"
B: "Yeah. I follow the Mariners every year."
A: "I wonder how they will do this year."
B: "I don't know if they have a chance. Did you hear that A-Rod went to the Yankees?"
A: "I know. Their team was too good even before getting Alex."
B: "Yeah. The richest team is usually the best team. They need to put a salary cap to make things fair."
A: "I agree. I don't know why they haven't done so already."
B: "But don't lose hope too soon. The Yankees don't have a good pitching staff this year. They might end up like the Texas Rangers. Great offense, no pitching."
A: "I highly doubt that. Even though they lost Pettite, they still have a decent pitching rotation."
B: "We'll see. I hope the Mariners do well this year."
A: "Me too. Oh, did you buy any tickets this year?"
B: "I got a couple of games with Oakland and Boston, but I couldn't get anything with the Yankees."
A: "Same here. I went in on the second day and all the tickets with the Yankees were already sold out."
B: "There's still plenty of other games though. We should go together one of these days."
A: "Sounds good. Let's plan for late June."
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