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Advanced Listening Lesson #21
1. Schritt
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2. Schritt
Quiz - Fragen anschauen
1. What did Jack do last weekend?
Talked on the phone with his girlfriend
Had a drinking party with his friend Josh
Played poker with a bunch of guys
Went to the casino
2. Why didn't Jack include his friend that he is talking to?
He forgot to call him
They already had too many people
He knew his friend didn't have any money for gambling
He tried calling, but he wasn't home
3. What does Jack's friend have to do to get included into the games?
Get more money
Get a cell phone
Stop being so boring
Stop playing so much video games
4. What happens if you lose all your chips early in the game?
Pay more money to buy more chips
Do a dare that makes people laugh to get more chips
Bring more beer
Sit out until the next game starts
Antworten anschauen
1. Played poker with a bunch of guys
2. He tried calling, but he wasn't home
3. Get a cell phone
4. Sit out until the next game starts
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3. Schritt
Unterhaltungsdialog zeigen
A: "Hey Jack. What did you do last weekend?"
B: "Josh had a bunch of guys over at his house and we played poker."
A: "Why didn't you guys call me?"
B: "We did. But you weren't home. If you had a cell phone, maybe you wouldn't be left out."
A: "Yeah. I need to get a cell phone. So, what games did you play?"
B: "We only play Texas Hold 'em."
A: "That's all good. What was the bid amount?"
B: "We started playing no limit. It's so much fun."
A: "That sounds awesome. Let me join you next time."
B: "No problem. Just get a cell phone so we can contact you."
A: "Aright. Who won though?"
B: "John. He always wins. He's damn good."
A: "You only played one game?"
B: "We played 2 games and he won both of them."
A: "What is the buy in?"
B: "Only 10 bucks."
A: "That sounds fun. Ten bucks isn't that much money to have fun while chilling with your friends."
B: "Exactly."
A: "But what happens if you get out in the first ten minutes?"
B: "Then you're screwed. You can watch tv or play the XBOX."
A: "Better not die soon then. So, when is the next time you guys are playing?"
B: "Probably this Friday. Give me a call Friday morning and I'll let you know the exact time."
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