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Advanced Listening Lesson #30
1. Schritt
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2. Schritt
Quiz - Fragen anschauen
1. What are all the feelings the bored guy is feelings?
Restless and anxious
Tired and restless
Anxious and tired
Tired and bored
2. What recommendation is given to solve this problem?
Meditate for 30 minutes a day
Watch more movies
Rent more DVD's
Read a book
3. Is the other guy bored at all?
He is too busy with his son to be bored
He also gets bored frequently
He watches a lot of TV so he isn't bored
None of the above
4. How old do you think the son is?
Around 3
Around 5
Around 7
Around 8
Antworten anschauen
1. Restless and anxious
2. Read a book
3. He is too busy with his son to be bored
4. Around 5
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3. Schritt
Unterhaltungsdialog zeigen
A: "How are you feeling these days?"
B: "I don't know. A little bored and restless I guess."
A: "Why is that?"
B: "I have so much time on my hands and I have nothing to do."
A: "Why don't you go out and have fun?"
B: "I would like to, but I have to save some money so I can't go out all the time."
A: "That sucks."
B: "After awhile, I start to feel anxious."
A: "Try relaxing and reading a good book. That's always a good way to kill time."
B: "That's true. How about you? How are you these days?"
A: "I'm doing pretty good these days. My kid just finished kindergarten. I'm so proud of him."
B: "That's great to hear. He must be big now. It's been a year since I saw your son."
A: "Yeah. He grew a lot in the last year."
B: "I bet you're very proud of your son."
A: "Yes I am. Thanks."
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