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Intermediate Listening Lesson #01
1. Schritt
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2. Schritt
Quiz - Fragen anschauen
1. What type of movie is Forrest Gump?
2. Besides watching movies, what does this person like to do?
Go shopping
Drinking and partying
Playing basketball
3. What does this person do for exercise?
Golf once a week
Basketball on the weekends
Jogging twice a week
No exercising
4. What is the favorite thing this person likes to do?
Playing computer games
Reading books
Going shopping
Playing pool
Antworten anschauen
1. Drama
2. Go shopping
3. Jogging twice a week
4. Playing computer games
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3. Schritt
Unterhaltungsdialog zeigen
A: "How are you doing?"
B: "I'm doing great."
A: "What movies have you seen lately?"
B: "I saw Forrest Gump the other day."
A: "What type of movie is that?"
B: "The movie type is drama."
A: "I can't believe you are watching movies. The weather is great. You should be outside."
B: "I hate the hot weather. I'd rather stay indoors with the air conditioner."
A: "What else do you like to do besides watching movies?"
B: "I like to play computer games, read books, go shopping, and play pool."
A: "Out of those what is your favorite?"
B: "My favorite is to play computer games."
A: "What is your favorite computer game?"
B: "My favorite is Diablo. It used to be Star Craft, but it is getting a little old."
A: "If you like to play so much, when do you ever exercise?"
B: "Although I hate to exercise, I go jogging at least twice a week."
A: "That's pretty good. By the way, what are you doing next Saturday?"
B: "I am going to go to the bookstore."
A: "I am having a party Saturday night at my house. If you have time, you should come."
B: "That sounds like fun."
A: "Great. I'll see you on Saturday."
B: "Ok. See you later."
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