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Intermediate Listening Lesson #02
1. Schritt
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2. Schritt
Quiz - Fragen anschauen
1. What are Steve and Mike planning on doing today?
Watch a movie
Play pool
Drink beer
2. What does Steve have to do later today?
Study for exams
Watch a television show
Meet parents for dinner
Go to a party
3. What will the weather be like tomorrow?
Same as today
Clear and Sunny
Neither A or B
Both A and B
4. What are they planning to do tomorrow?
Watch a movie after lunch
Lunch together then watch a concert at 1pm
Eat dinner together
Go to a party at eleven thirty at night
Antworten anschauen
1. Nothing
2. Meet parents for dinner
3. Both A and B
4. Watch a concert at 1pm
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3. Schritt
Unterhaltungsdialog zeigen
A: "Hello?"
B: "Hi Steve. This is Mike. What are you doing?"
A: "Oh, hi. I was just watching TV."
B: "There's nothing to watch right now."
A: "I know. I was watching a re-run. I have nothing to do and I was bored."
B: "Me too. Let's get together and do something."
A: "I'd like to, but I have to meet my parents in an hour for dinner. How about tomorrow?"
B: "Yeah. Let's plan something tomorrow."
A: "Did you hear the weather forecast for tomorrow?"
B: "I think it is going to be the same as today. Clear and sunny."
A: "That's great. We can do something outdoors then."
B: "Are there any special events going on tomorrow?"
A: "Yeah. I think there's a live outdoor concert by the river tomorrow."
B: "Oh yeah. I heard about that too. Let's go check it out."
A: "Do you know what time it starts?"
B: "It starts at one PM."
A: "Let's meet for lunch at eleven thirty and afterwards, we can head over there."
B: "Perfect. I'll see you in front of the apartment at eleven thirty."
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