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Intermediate Listening Lesson #18
1. Schritt
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2. Schritt
Quiz - Fragen anschauen
1. What sport are they talking about?
2. Until when did he play?
Until he was 15 years old
Until he graduated from high school
Until he finished college
He is still playing
3. What two positions are mentioned in this dialog?
Quarterback and running back
Midfielder and goalie
Third base and outfielder
Guard and forward
4. What does one guy in the dialog play every Tuesdays and Thursdays?
Antworten anschauen
1. Baseball
2. Until he graduated from high school
3. Third base and outfielder
4. Softball
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3. Schritt
Unterhaltungsdialog zeigen
A: "What sport do you like the most?"
B: "I like baseball the best."
A: "Me too. Did you play when you were a kid?"
B: "Yeah. I played until I graduated from high school."
A: "What position did you play?"
B: "I think I tried every position, but the last few years, I played third."
A: "I hate third base. It's scary when the ball is coming at you so fast."
B: "It was scary at first, but after awhile, I got used to it. If you have fast reflexes, then it's not really a problem. What position did you play?"
A: "I played outfield. I hated the infield because I never figured out all the bounces."
B: "I wish I could play again, but there isn't much opportunities around here."
A: "I'm on a softball league. It's not fast pitch, but it's still fun. You wanna join our group?"
B: "When do you guys play?"
A: "We play either Tuesdays or Thursdays."
B: "Sounds pretty fun. I'll come out and join you next time."
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