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Intermediate Listening Lesson #19
1. Schritt
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2. Schritt
Quiz - Fragen anschauen
1. What sport are they talking about?
2. Why does he like the sport they are talking about?
It is fun to both watch and play
It is a good form of exercise
It is very challenging
It is a great way to meet people
3. Why are there other forms of this sport such as two hand touch and the usage of flags?
Because it makes the game more interesting
Because it is a safer way to play
Because it requires less people
Because they don't know all the rules
4. Where do they play every Saturdays?
In the high school field
The field by the tennis courts
In the apartment complex
In the sports center
Antworten anschauen
1. Football
2. It is fun to both watch and play
3. Because it is a safer way to play
4. The field by the tennis courts
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3. Schritt
Unterhaltungsdialog zeigen
A: "What sports do you like to play?"
B: "I like baseball and basketball."
A: "How about football?"
B: "In my country football is brand new, so I never learned the game when I was younger."
A: "It's a very popular game in America."
B: "Yeah. I heard a lot about it. Is it really that fun?"
A: "For me, it's one of those games that are fun to both watch and play."
B: "Are you a football player?"
A: "No, just for fun with my friends. We play two hand touch or flag football. We're too old to play tackle football."
B: "What is two hand touch and flag football?"
A: "Instead of tackling somebody, you just have to touch them with two hands, or if it is flag football, grab the flag that the ball carrier is wearing."
B: "I see. It's safer then right?"
A: "Exactly. We play every Saturdays on the field by the tennis courts. If you want to learn and play a little, you're welcome to join us."
B: "I'll give it a try. Give me a call and let's go down together."
A: "Ok. I'll call you Saturday morning."
B: "Great."
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